Поэтика гибридности в карибских рассказах Джин Рис
Ключевые слова: Джин Рис, вест-индская литература, карибские рассказы, гибридность, постколониализм, идентичность, маргинальность
Для цитирования: Матюнина, Т.C. Поэтика гибридности в карибских рассказах Джин Рис // Практики и интерпретации: журнал филологических, образовательных и культурных исследований. 2024. Т. 9. № 2. С. 80–97. DOI: 10.18522/2415-8852-2024-2-80-97
Полный текст:
Деррида, Ж. Письмо и различие / пер. с фр.
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Bhabha, H. Nation and narration. New York: Routledge,1990.
Emery, M.L. Jean Rhys at “World’s End”: Novels of colonial and sexual exile. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1990.
Emery, M.L. Misfit: Jean Rhys and the visual cultures of colonial modernism // Journal of Caribbean Literatures, 3 (3), 2003, 11–22. Retrieved from: http://www.jstor.org/stable/40986138 (date of access: 01.03.2024).
Gregg, V.M. Jean Rhys’s historical imagination: Reading and writing the Creole. Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press,1995.
Hanson, C. Re-reading the short story. London: Palgrave Macmillan,1989.
Konzett, D.C. Ethnic modernisms: Anzia Yezierska, Zora Neale Hurston, Jean Rhys, and the aesthetics of dislocation. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2002.
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Spivak, G.Ch. Literature. In A Critique of postcolonial reason: Toward a history of the vanishing present. New York: Harvard University Press, 2003, 112–197.
Sternlicht, S. Jean Rhys. New York: Twayne Publishers, 1997.
Young, R. Colonial desire: Hybridity in theory, culture and race. London: Routledge,1995.
Angier, C. (1992). Jean Rhys: Life and work. London: Penguin Books.
Ashcroft, B., Griffiths, G., Tiffin, H. (1989). Empire writes back: Theory and practice in postcolonial literatures. London: Routledge.
Bhabha, H. (1990). Nation and narration. New York: Routledge.
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Emery, M.L. (1990). Jean Rhys at “World’s End”: Novels of colonial and sexual exile. Austin: University of Texas Press.
Emery, M.L. (2003). Misfit: Jean Rhys and the visual cultures of colonial modernism. Journal of Caribbean Literatures, 3 (3), 11–22. Retrieved from: http://www.jstor.org/stable/40986138 (date of access: 01.03.2024).
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Gregg, V.M. (1995). Jean Rhys’s historical imagination: Reading and writing the Creole. Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press.
Hanson, C. (1989). Re-reading the short story. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Konzett, D.C. (2002). Ethnic modernisms: Anzia Yezierska, Zora Neale Hurston, Jean Rhys, and the aesthetics of dislocation. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
March-Russel, P. (2009). The short story: An introduction. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
Rhys, J. (1987). The collected short stories. New York: W.W. Norton.
Rhys, J. (1995). Smile please: An unfinished autobiography. New York: Penguin Classics.
Simpson, A.B. (2005). Territories of the psyche: the fiction of Jean Rhys. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
Spivak, G.Ch. (2003). Literature. In A critique of postcolonial reason: Toward a history of the vanishing present. New York: Harvard University Press, 112–197.
Sternlicht, S. (1997). Jean Rhys. New York: Twayne Publishers.
Young, R (1995). Colonial desire: Hybridity in theory, culture and race. London: Routledge.
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