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Christiane Maria Binder


The focus of this essay is on a special case of intermediality: the interanimation of text and pictures in
English-speaking picture books. Producing readings, constructing meaning, encoding and decoding at two levels of signification and communication – verbal and visual representation – are the essential activities looked into. Picture books as fascinating products at the intersection of literature and art are conducive to multiple effects, purposes and functions. Especially when aiming to competently select and creatively use picture books with child readers, various aspects and areas of expertise need to be considered: Children’s Literature Studies; literacy development; semiotics; book illustration; didactics; interculturality. So we take a broad approach to the complex issue and discuss it from a variety of different perspectives, stressing the interdisciplinary character of the subject, the cross-over between Literary Studies, Linguistics, Fine Arts, Educational Theory, Didactics and Cultural Studies.

Key words: intermediality, picture books, interanimation of text and pictures, verbal and visual representation, iconotext, Children’s Literature, literacy development, semiotics, book illustration, didactics, interculturality.



Binder, Ch.M. (2016). A special case of intermediality: interanimation of text and pictures in English-speaking picture books. Practices & Interpretations: A Journal of Philology, Teaching and Cultural Studies, 1(4), 37–68.


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(c) 2017 Christiane Maria Binder

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