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Alexander Marchukov


Abstract. This paper focuses on German and Japanese efforts to form a positive national image abroad in the field of cultural diplomacy. Cultural diplomacy of both countries is characterized by: the lack of a centralized organizational structure; the emphasis on intercultural dialogue encouragement and deepening of mutual understanding between nations; the active role of international broadcasters; and the use of social media for cultural promotion. The author concludes that one of the main differences between the foreign policy cultural strategies of these countries is the Japanese focus on popculture as a tool for its own public diplomacy. From this point of view, Japanese modern media culture demonstrates the potential for rapid development in the future.

Key words: cultural diplomacy, public diplomacy, digital diplomacy, soft power, social media, national branding, media culture.

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(c) 2016 Alexander Marchukov

ISSN 2415-8852
Свидетельство о регистрации СМИ Эл № ФС77-62683 от 10 августа 2015 г.
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